Download free offline vector maps for Locus Map, Orux Maps and c:geo

Goodbye Coinhive


Unfortunately Coinhive stopped its service. So in the meanwhile I removed it an you don’t need to create a token for now. Maybe I will come up with something else. Stupidly I (accidently) deleted all generated maps. So stay tuned, it will need a couple of days until most of them will be back again (regenerated) …

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264 maps available


As of now there are 264 different maps available for download!!! And there are still some left, which are not yet working.What else has changed: The old method (using will finally be removed within the near future :..(The conversion process was further improved and is more stable now What is planned: I had the idea to deliver files directly using...

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I’d gotten some time lately and worked towards the new and almost better Thank you donors First of all: Thanks to all donors. Since I started collecting donations a couple of weeks ago, I received about 50$ via Paypal and Bitcoins. One of the first major steps was an already overdue renaming to I don’t wanted...

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