264 maps available
As of now there are 264 different maps available for download!!!
And there are still some left, which are not yet working.
What else has changed:
- The old method (using Share-Online.biz) will finally be removed within the near future :..(
- The conversion process was further improved and is more stable now
What is planned:
I had the idea to deliver files directly using Telegram. What do you think about it?
The basic idea:
- Subscribe to maps using Telegram
- Whenever a new map is published it will be directly send using Telegram or a download link will be send for too large files (> 1GB)
Really annyoing
The site is blocked by some Yandex index, because of “malware”. Which is really stupid. Surely I have implemented Coinhive (via https://authedmine.com) , but basically it is obvious and only used to create a token for a one-time download link.