Download free offline vector maps for Locus Map, Orux Maps and c:geo


Goodbye Coinhive


Unfort­u­na­te­ly Coin­hi­ve stop­ped its ser­vice. So in the mean­while I remo­ved it an you don’t need to crea­te a token for now. May­be I will come up with some­thing else. Stu­pidly I (acci­dent­ly) dele­ted all gene­ra­ted maps. So stay tun­ed, it will need a cou­ple of days until most of them will be back again (rege­ne­ra­ted)...

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264 maps available


As of now the­re are 264 dif­fe­rent maps available for down­load!!! And the­re are still some left, which are not yet working.What else has changed: The old method (using will final­ly be remo­ved within the near future :..(The con­ver­si­on pro­cess was fur­ther impro­ved and is more sta­ble now What is planned: I had the idea to deli­ver...

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I’d got­ten some time late­ly and work­ed towards the new and almost bet­ter Thank you donors First of all: Thanks to all donors. Sin­ce I star­ted coll­ec­ting dona­ti­ons a cou­ple of weeks ago, I recei­ved about 50$ via Pay­pal and Bitcoins. One of the first major steps was an alre­a­dy over­due ren­aming to I don’t...

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